duminică, 8 februarie 2015

How to build a vertical garden

Vertical gardens are working increasingly in demand, due to its special appearance, but also by the fact that are very practical, being arranged vertically they occupy very little space. So we can build a green space in our home, without taking up half the room with pots and planters, typical for horizontal arrangements.
     Although the process is simple, the materials used must be of superior quality, to avoid possible problems for walls due to moisture.To make a vertical garden in your own home, these are the steps: 
- Determine exactly on which wall will be arranged the vertical garden
- Specify the types of ornamental plants to be planted 
- Draw the perimeter of your future vertical garden on the wall
- Build or buy the nests for the vertical garden (these nests are in the form of pockets,  made from waterproof material, properties that protect walls of moisture generated by vertical garden). 
- Waterproofing sheet fits on wooden rack fixed with dowels on the perimeter and traced the nests for them, If they are not designed as a part of foil.
- Add soil and plants in the vertical garden nests. 
Note: Some nests are designed with staples, so more simple to fix and rearrange plants in the vertical garden.