vineri, 11 iulie 2014

How to protect your hair during the summer

   You definitely noticed in late summer past how your hair was coarse, discolored and split hairs. But you know what is the cause? During the summer our hair has many enemies: the Sun's rays, wind, chlorine in swimming pools and last but not least the salt water of the sea. If you want your hair to look good and be healthy at the end of the summer, follow these simple tips.
Strong summer sun is not only dangerous for the skin, but also for hair. Sun causes discoloration and dryness of hair. If you're not a fan of hats, it's necessary to use a spray protector for ultraviolet rays. So are there protective sprays for skin, just as there are for hair.
Use a powerful balm. Exactly how do you use a cream for the skin moisturized, so you have to use a powerful hydrating conditioner for hair. It does not need to you use it daily, get once or twice a week.
   Chlorine in swimming pools is very harmful for hair, and for people with blond hair can be a disaster. If you have beautiful shade of blond and you don't want to get out from swimming pool with green hair, wash your hair under the shower before you go in the pool and after you get out. Another option would be the helmet for water. But she is not sexy at all. You can easily opt for a chic hat.