miercuri, 28 ianuarie 2015

How to teach parrots to talk

Parrots are very socible birds and with patience and exercises can be taught to talk. The easiest parrot to train is the African Grey Parrot or Jako, but with a little effort, almost every species of parrot can be taught to talk.
  The first things to be done before proper exercises is to make a comfortable climate for the bird , place the cage in a room where it gets as many conversations around him, for example, in the kitchen or in the tv room.
  The exercises have to be done no more than 15 minutes a day and consist in making Visual associations between objects and sounds. Sounds must be clear and  the Parrot need to be closer to the source. Initially you can try with food  or toys which the parrot already knows and every time the sound is pronounced you must point the object to the parrot. So in a few weeks or sooner, for no more than 15 minutes of exercise per day, the Parrot will begin to make more and more connections between sounds and objects. So when the parrot hears around him a familiar sound or you show him a known object, the parrot will pronounce the name of the object.