miercuri, 3 decembrie 2014

How to become a perfect employee

In large companies it is hard to attract the attention of the boss, that is always busy, and surrounded by the best employees. Don't panic. By following the tips below, you definitely will see am improvement:

1.If you want to make yourself noticed in a competitive environment, you have to take over the difficult projects.
2. no matter how good you think you are doing your job, ask the advice of colleagues or even the boss. Be confident enough to work in a team.
3.it is important to adapt to any working conditions you encounter. Respect your colleagues habits and be flexible.
4.don'tstop learning. Continue to learn about everything that happens around you. Not only things of interest to you related to your profession. Thus, you will be able to easily participate in daily discussions with colleagues, or perhaps even with your boss.
5. be punctual at workplace all the time. Finish all your projects on time, even if this means working overtime.
6. be a positive person. Chat with all your colleagues, and show a positive attitude at all time.
The most important thing is to be be respectful and polite with everyone, regardless of the situation.